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August, 2021:

Extinction Rebellion protesters stage ‘die-in’ and refuse to leave Science Museum

Extinction Rebellion protesters stage ‘die-in’ and refuse to leave Science Museum By Isobel Frodsham & Lorraine King

  • 19:49, 29 Aug 2021
  • UPDATED 20:07, 29 Aug 2021
  • read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Nigerian oil spill victims sue City lawyers over Shell settlement

    The Telegraph

    Nigerian oil spill victims sue City lawyers over Shell settlement

    Oil spill victims accuse Leigh Day of unlawfully deducting £6m from a settlement due from Royal Dutch Shell

    The City law firm Leigh Day is accused of unlawfully deducting £6m from a settlement due from Royal Dutch Shell to the Nigerian victims of an oil spill.

    Eight members of the Bodo group from the Niger Delta have claimed that Leigh Day wrongly took the money – including £4m in “referral fees” to local lawyers – from a £55m payment. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Extinction Rebellion protesters target science museum over Shell sponsorship

    Extinction Rebellion protesters target science museum over Shell sponsorship

    Crowd chanted: ‘No more petrol, no more diesel, funding fossil fuels is evil’

    Around 200 people have gathered outside the Science Museum in London to protest against an oil giant sponsoring an exhibition about greenhouse gases.

    Supporters of Extinction Rebellion stood outside the museum waving flags and banners and playing drums and blowing whistles.

    Doctors, scientists and members of the climate campaign group addressed the crowd about the effect fossil fuels are having on the planet. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Issues with Shell Broadband from the start

    Content sourced from current customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot. 

    27 August 2021

    Poor services and useless customer service

    Unfortunately, I had issues with broadband from the start. I couldn’t use broadband at all in the house, In the end I was advised to get hubs which would cost my another £200 more . I don’t understand why I wasn’t getting the service. They tried to help but after 2 weeks of unsuccessful trying I end up switching to someone else. Yesterday I received the final bill which doesn’t make sense. So, I have to pay early termination fee of over £262 but why ?! Customer services explained that my cooling off period finished even before I got connected with them. It means I signed up with 2 weeks before my installation day and when I gone live – my cooling off period ended. Really ?! On the the live day – shell didn’t connected services correctly and I had to wait 4 days more for the engineer to arrive to check . List goes on! Anyway,
    Now they are sending me a bill to pay for something I have never used. Which is completely wrong. I understand the person in Customer Services just following process but it’s completely ridiculous and very unfair. The customer services lady just kept apologising to me because she knew they are in the wrong but someone from higher management level didn’t authorise her to sort out my issue. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    ‘I spent 3 hrs holding on the phone’ waiting for Shell Energy Customer Service

    Content sourced from current customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot. 27 August 2021

    I spent 3 hrs holding on the phone…

    I spent 3 hrs holding on the phone waiting to speak to someone at Shell about my account. I finally came to the conclusion that no one is answering calls and they just leave you on hold, I can not believe that I was one of a lot of people hanging on that long, no one has time to do it and it messed up my day by waiting so long. I have tried to contact customer service on their website, but when you click the link to talk to someone it takes you off to a self help page. I downloaded their app and same thing, the links to customer service do not work. The account issue has come from the power company I moved from and not Shell so I only hope that when I do finally get this resolved that they will be OK to work with but right now I have moved from one company whom in my my opinion are money takers and liars to another that won’t even talk to you. Not a happy bunny! read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Shell to supply green energy directly to home consumers

    Photo Credit: Photographic Services, Shell International Limited.


    Shell to supply green energy directly to home consumers

    THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2021 – 14:30

    Dutch oil and gas giant Shell will soon start supplying Dutch home consumers with “CO2 compensated gas” and green electricity purchased from Dutch solar and wind farms. The company already received a permit from regulator ACM to start doing so, NOS reports.

    Exactly how much green energy Shell plans to supply is not clear, but Barbara van Bergh, head of this division, told NOS that Shell wants to become a “significant” player. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Shell Superslow Broadband

    Content sourced from current customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot. 25 August 2021

    Shell superslow broadband

    Shell broadband started off good for the first few months, now has choked our broadband and we only get speeds of 2Mbps.

    Avoid avoid avoid.

    Disgusting company… broken promises, no respect, appalling customer service!

    Had a perfectly working smart for 18months. Recently had another installed which not only has been done wrong, but has disconnected the one that has been working fine. On the verge of entering 3hours worth of phone calls, and still nothing has been sorted. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Extinction Rebellion take advantage of court ruling to bring central London streets to standstill

    Photo by Mike ?


    Extinction Rebellion take advantage of court ruling to bring central London streets to standstill

    Extinction Rebellion protesters brought roads in central London to a halt on Monday, emboldened by a recent Supreme Court ruling in favour of demonstrators.

    Hundreds of activists from the climate change group gathered in the capital at the start of two weeks of action aimed at persuading the Government to stop new investment in fossil fuels. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    China Wants Huge New Green Hydrogen Plant Operational In 2023

    Photo Credit: Photographic Services, Shell International Limited.

    China Wants Huge New Green Hydrogen Plant Operational In 2023

    Sun, August 22, 2021, 4:00 PM


    China offers promise for clean energy in a world dominated by fossil fuel-driven hydrogen projects through its new green hydrogen mega-plant.

    China is planning a huge green hydrogen project using solar and wind power for its Inner Mongolia region. A cluster of plants will be constructed in the cities of Ordos and Baotou, expected to use 1.85 GW of solar power and 370 MW of wind power to produce approximately 66,900 tonnes of green hydrogen every year, according to the Hydrogen Energy Industry Promotion Association. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Terrible Customer Service from Shell Energy

    Content sourced from a current customer review of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot. 23 August 2021

    Terrible customer service

    Trying to move your contract to a new home is a nightmare. Chat bots that copy and paste basic answers and customer service phone call takers who obviously don’t know what they are doing.

    Passed over and over to different departments.

    It’s quite simple, I’m moving tomorrow and would like to submit some readings for my new house.

    It’s not rocket science. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    My gas meter has suddenly gone into reverse: Called the customer service centre in outer Mongolia…

    Content sourced from a current customer review of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot. 21 August 2021

    What is going on

    I submitted readings for gas and electricity last week. Looked on my account, only to find that my gas charge was minus £1.18. the bill states that the charges are based on an actual readings.

    If that is correct, then that must mean my gas meter has suddenly gone into reverse. Called the customer service centre in outer Mongolia, only to find that it is a system error. This is the second time in a few months. Clearly, the system that Shell use is not up to the task. I makes me wonder if any of my past bills have been correct. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Terrible customer service at Shell Energy

    Content sourced from a selection of current customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot. 20 August 2021

    Terrible customer service & accounting practices

    Easily one of the worst companies I’ve ever had to deal with. When Sell Energy took over Green Star Energy they failed to properly transfer over my account. When asking for a final bill they tried to backdate it over 2 years prior despite the fact that payments had been made. I have been passed from team to team, had someone from customer support pretend the phone line was bad to not deal with this ticket, and had multiple email chains go dead from their end. I have provided bank statements, proof of ownership/residence and 3+ months on this is still not resolved. Might be the worst customer experience I’ve ever had to go through. Would not recommend as a utility provider to anyone read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Very slow Shell Energy broadband speeds

    Content sourced from a selection of current customer reviews of Shell Energy Broadband published on Trustpilot. 20 August 2021

    Very slow Shell Energy broadband speeds

    OMG what absolute conmen promise 40 to…

    OMG what absolute conmen promise 40 to 70 Mbps now the company is telling me 28 Mbps is good enough because they say that they sent an email, what sneaks in another email I could down to 20Mbps if the email even arrives. avoid like the plague they are tied in with Talk Talk. Oh and they think 0 Mbps is ok and I should accept it read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Big Oil’s bid to lure back investors with cash could ultimately fail


    Big Oil’s bid to lure back investors with cash could ultimately fail

    … a ‘death knell’ for fossil fuels

    Sam Meredith: PUBLISHED WED, AUG 18 2021 1:23 AM EDT

    LONDON — The world’s largest oil and gas majors are seeking to lure back investors by returning more cash to shareholders. Market participants, particularly those looking to the long term, remain highly skeptical.

    It comes at a time when oil and gas companies are raking in their highest profits since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic amid a sustained period of stronger commodity prices. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Methane emissions from oil and gas are even worse than previously thought


    Methane emissions from oil and gas are even worse than previously thought

    Recent research indicates that the fossil fuel industry is responsible for far more methane than previously believed.

    Experts say slashing methane emissions

     is essential to staving off the worst effects of global warming, with the United Nations  read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    After Climate Court Victories Comes the Problem of Enforcement

    Bloomberg News

    After Climate Court Victories Comes the Problem of Enforcement

    Bloomberg News: Diederik Baazil: Aug 18, 2021 read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.