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Boycott Shell

Shell Digs Deeper: The Quest for More Profits at the Expense of the South Africa Wild Coast

Posted by John Donovan: 10 June 2024

In a shocking display of corporate greed and utter disregard for the environment, Shell, the infamous oil giant known for its ruthless pollution tactics, is hell-bent on drilling for oil and gas off the South Africa Wild Coast in the Eastern Cape.

This week, the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) upheld a ruling by the high court in Makhanda, ordering Shell to pause its voracious plans until it has “sufficiently consulted” the communities that will be directly impacted. Because, you know, consulting the locals whose lives you’re about to wreck is apparently an afterthought for Shell.

“It is not in dispute that neither the public was given notice of the decisions or informed of the right to appeal. The failure to do so, which is unexplained on the papers, is subversive of the procedural entitlements of the appellants,” reads the SCA judgment. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Sues Greenpeace for $2.1 Million: An Episode Straight Out of ‘Succession’

Maybe HBO should consider a spin-off: “Succession: The Shell Chronicles.” Stay tuned for the next episode, where Shell might just take legal action against Mother Nature for climate change.

Posted by John Donovan: 24 Jan 24

In the latest episode of “Real Life Imitates Succession,” Shell, the ever-so-conscientious oil giant, has decided to take a leaf out of Cousin Greg’s playbook. That’s right, folks – Shell is suing Greenpeace for a whopping $2.1 million! It seems like Shell’s boardroom, with all its drama, might give the Roy family a run for their money.

So, what’s the deal? Shell is demanding a cool million in damages, plus legal fees, because six fearless Greenpeace activists decided to have a little 13-day vacation on a moving oil platform. Talk about a high-seas adventure! But wait, there’s more – the lawsuit could skyrocket to $8.6 million if contractors decide they want a piece of the action. Shell’s generosity knows no bounds, offering to reduce the lawsuit if Greenpeace promises to stop party crashing at Shell’s oil and gas shindigs in the future. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Plays the Villain Again, Slapping Greenpeace with a lawsuit

Posted by John Donovan: 30 November 2023

In an Oscar-worthy performance of environmental destruction, Shell, the notorious eco-villain, once again finds itself in the spotlight as Greenpeace activists, the caped crusaders of climate justice, stage a dramatic blockade. Picture this: a fleet of kayaks, more formidable than warships, halting the operations of Shell’s import terminal in Batangas City. It’s like a scene straight out of an eco-thriller, except the stakes are real, and the planet’s future hangs in the balance. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Climate activists across world raise funds for the court case against Shell

Climate activists across world raise funds for the court case against Shell

Friends of the Earth Netherlands: 20/01/2023 | 16:25 PM

In 2021, thousands of Dutch citizens took one of the largest carbon emitters in the world to court and won. Together with Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) they won a historic court case against Royal Dutch Shell, the parent company of Shell Group, forcing the company to take climate action.

The judge ruled that Shell’s current climate policy would contribute to a level of climate change that would be so dangerous that it would impose a threat to human rights. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

AVOID SHELL ENERGY at all costs. The most shocking customer service ever

11 August 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

AVOID at all costs

AVOID at all costs. The most shocking customer service ever. Never answer phone, online help payments, help etc all unavailable. Will change ASAP


Phoned there Free Phone after nearly 40 min phoned another number which transferred me and now there charging me £7 to get my broadband working, the attitude from call centre is shocking read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell broadband speed is glacially slow

29 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Avoid at all costs

I didn’t ask to be a Shell Broadband customer. I signed up for Post Office broadband, but Shell bought them out and existing PO Broadband customers were forced to migrate to Shell or pay an early termination penalty.  Shell customer service is hopeless, you waste huge amounts of time on the phone trying to contact these people, the broadband speed is glacially slow (and my broadband was meant to be fast but it was hopeless).  I’ve just got rid of them and had to pay £157 for the privilege. Don’t even think about becoming a Shell Broadband customer, it’s not worth the time, money and stress. It’s a rip off. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Allegation that Trustpilot is being played by Shell

28 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Trustpilot you are being played just…

Trustpilot you are being played just like my 83 year old mum. Shell are leaving generic replies to make it look like they are concerned about complaints being made,and promises of call backs not being made. SHELL I DO NOT WANT ANYMORE GENERIC FEEDBACK THAT FOBS PEOPLE OFF ALL I WANT IS FOR MY MUM TO GET HER £333 THAT YOU HAVE OWED HER FOR MONTHS WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PLAYING AT? TREATING PENSIONERS LIKE THIS. JUST ANSWER ON HERE WHEN? WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PAY UP. SHELL YOU ARE DISCUSTING!!!! BY THE WAY I HAVE LEFT MY MUMS ACCOUNT NUMBER WITH THIS REVIEW. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Call to Boycott all Shell products and services

“Hi Everyone. Shell broadband Etc. I’m not going to repeat what people have been saying about Shell, from my own experience they are the worst company I have ever dealt with.”

25 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.


Hi Everyone. Shell broadband Etc. I’m not going to repeat what people have been saying about Shell, from my own experience they are the worst company I have ever dealt with. So with that in mind let’s get down to how we can all play our part to bring this company down legally. Money Money Money,  they cannot survive without money. Boycott all shell products and services, tell family and friends to do likewise. Get on to social media spread the word. Word and mouth will spread like a forest fire it just needs you to do your bit. Shareholder a perfect storm is coming, will your shares become worthless, should you even be supporting this bad company. The top brass at shell need to know what’s happening, their email address is on the internet fill their inboxes with your truthfully thoughts. The people in the UK deserve better lets get rid of this crap company from our shores. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Energy is a horrible, unhelpful, terrible company

25 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

This company has the very worst…

This company has the very worst customer service in the planet. I was without internet for days. I work online and couldn’t work for 3 days and a half. They never sent an engineer. I saw an Openreach vsn, and the guy was good enough to come and check my connection. It was the router. The engineer sent his notes, and Shell should have sent the router. They wouldn’t. It was not the engineer that they sent, although it was an Openreach engineer, who was the only person who knew what SERVICE is. Horrible, unhelpful, terrible company. Good riddance. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

My Shell Broadband still not working after 6 weeks

“Broadband still not working after 6 weeks.”: “Straight away I noticed how slow the speed was and how long it took to connect to sites. Tried to call Shell, but could not get through, tried emails but no reply…”: Absolutely terrible service and bully boy tactics.”: “I would strongly advise people to avoid Shell”

23 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Awful customer service. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Struggling with the sheer level of incompetence of Shell Energy

“I’m struggling with the sheer level of incompetence on display by this company. They are basically uncontactable…”: “

16 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Dishonest – Aloof and callous

Aloof and callous. Truly a faceless organisation. Deliberately falsified billing information: Shell Enery intentionally perverted submitted & photographed meter reading for 1st June – falsely and covertly substantially increased the meter read. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Daily Bombardment of Toxic Trustpilot Reviews of Shell Energy

15 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Possibly the worst customer “service” in the UK

I find it ironic that Shell Energy has branched into telecoms as they are utterly hopeless in terms of communication. Long waiting times on the phone (30+ minutes is not unusual), listening to elevator music and some chap telling you how important your call is and that someone will be with you soon (I would like to know SE’s definitions of important and soon); e-mails that go unanswered apart from an automated response: a webchat facility which is not available at 11.30 am (too early? too late?); an over-reliance on Facebook and Twitter which is absolutely no use to someone with no broadband or someone who is not interested in social media; letters which take 10-14 days to arrive based on the date at the top of the letter (snail mail?). Communication is definitely NOT SE’s forte. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.


“What a terrible company… You cannot get anyone at this company to speak to you I have emailed and filled in forms on their website and no reply!”: “will never touch this sh*tb*g company for anything ever again.”

13 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Worst Power company ever

What a terrible company – I was forced to use them when Pure Planet went bust. You cannot get anyone at this company to speak to you I have emailed and filled in forms on their website and no reply! They have taken more than double the PP monthly charge and I cannot get anyone to contact me to resolve this and y other queries. Avoid if you can. I’m taking my complaint to the ombudman’s office. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.


9 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Avoid this company

Avoid this company. Broadband and phone. I’m in contract. I’m a vulnerable disabled person on #ShellEnergyBroadband priority register living alone. I’ve been without phone line and internet access since yesterday. I’ve missed an important telephone medical appointment scheduled for this morning. I don’t use a mobile phone. I’m sat on the pavement using my neighbours WiFi. Both myself and my son (who lives 2 hours away) have made disproportionate attempts to put #ShellEnergyBroadband faults on their radar. NO ONE HAS BOTHERED TO CONTACT ME AT read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Energy Broadband ‘overwhelmed by complaints’

“…this company is overwhelmed by complaints and customers spend over a hour waiting to speak to a person.”: “Broadband still not working 3 weeks after connection date…”

31 MAY 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Give Shell Energy broadband a miss!

Allegedly Shell Energy purports to be a telecommunications company. Sadly this company is lacking in all departments.
I don’t wonder if their customer service people wake up screaming.
*We do understand
*We apologize
*Thank you for your patience
*You have come through to gas & electric.
None of these employees have any means of resolving issues so have to resort to platitudes. The result is that this company is overwhelmed by complaints and customers spend over a hour waiting to speak to a person. The only way to get through is via social media but still not much is achieved.
Since Shell Energy took over from the Post Office they are pleased to take in fees without giving the service paid for. No wonder Shell profits are soaring!
My own problems have been ongoing for almost a month now without a result.
Incidentally still waiting for the contract details promised on 7/4/2022. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Court Case Prompts Climate Protest in Cape Town

Bloomberg News

Shell Court Case Prompts Climate Protest in Cape Town

Bloomberg News: Paul Burkhardt: May 28, 2022

Protesters rallied in Cape Town on Saturday ahead of a court ruling on oil and gas exploration by Shell Plc.

Community groups in December won a temporary halt to the company’s seismic survey off South Africa, pending a decision on whether further environmental authorization is needed for the work to proceed. The case will reopen on Monday.

Demonstrators held signs that showed the Shell logo and read “stop all seismic blasting,” activity that they argue will harm local marine life and disrupt fishing, while the company maintains the practice has been well established and in line with industry standards. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.