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Carbon Capture

Shell’s Big Green PR Stunt: Building a Hydrogen Plant While Still Loving Oil

Posted by John Donovan: 25 July 2024

In a move that’s probably more about headlines than heart, Shell announced on Thursday it’s building a 100-megawatt renewable hydrogen electrolyser in Germany. Yes, that’s right, the same Shell that adores oil spills and carbon emissions is now pretending to care about the environment. The new unit at the Rheinland refinery is scheduled to start in 2027 and will pump out up to 44,000 kg of renewable hydrogen daily to “partially” decarbonize site operations. Because who needs full decarbonization when partial will do? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Drags Down B Corp Status of Havas Agencies: “Greenwashing Gone Wrong”

Posted by John Donovan: 18 July 2024

In a classic case of corporate hypocrisy, four Havas agencies—Havas London, Havas Lemz, Havas New York, and Havas Immerse—have been stripped of their B Corp status. Why? Because their sister agency, Havas Media, inked a deal with none other than Shell, the poster child for environmental destruction.

Havas Media snagged Shell’s media business last September after a three-month review and began handling B2C strategic media buying from GroupM in January. Shell, ever the environmental saint, spent about $240 million on measured media in 2022, according to COMvergence.

B Lab, the global nonprofit that hands out B Corp certifications to companies that supposedly balance profit with a commitment to people and the planet, decided this partnership was a bit too toxic. After a months-long investigation prompted by Clean Creatives and a coalition of 26 B Corp-certified firms, B Lab found Havas’ actions violated their core values. Surprise, surprise. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Avoids Strike: Workers Score Wage Hike in Last-Minute Deal

Posted by John Donovan: 12 July 2024

In a rare turn of events, Shell has managed to pull its head out of the sand long enough to strike a deal with its workers in Alberta, Canada. The Unifor union announced on Wednesday that its members have ratified a new four-year agreement that includes a 16% wage increase. Because who knew that actually paying workers could prevent strikes?

Dodging a Bullet:

The agreement comes after Shell’s Scotford-based facility workers overwhelmingly voted in favor of a work stoppage in late June. It seems the threat of an actual strike was enough to get Shell to the negotiating table. Unifor also mentioned the possibility of further wage gains and improvements to time off for statutory holidays and various union-based leaves. Looks like Shell finally remembered that workers are people too. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s New “Eco-Friendly” Stunt: Two Carbon Capture Projects in Alberta

Posted by John Donovan: 28 June 2024

Shell Gives the Green Light to Carbon Capture Shenanigans in Alberta – Whoop-de-doo!

So, the bigwigs at Shell have decided to throw us another bone and announced not one, but two shiny new carbon capture projects in Alberta. Because, apparently, the oil giant known for its greed and pollution suddenly wants to save the planet. Cue the applause.

The company proudly declared the launch of the Polaris carbon capture project at its Scotford refinery and chemicals complex near Fort Saskatchewan. And let’s not forget the Atlas Carbon Storage Hub, a grand partnership with Atco EnPower. The first phase will allegedly store the CO2 captured by the Polaris project. Because what’s better than an oil giant patting itself on the back for trying to clean up its own mess? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s New Carbon Capture Schemes: Greenwashing or Genuine Effort?

Posted by John Donovan: 26 June 2024

Shell is at it again. This time, the oil behemoth has decided to bless Canada with not one, but two carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. Bravo, Shell! Because nothing screams “environmental savior” like a company that has spent decades polluting the planet.

On June 26, Shell’s Canadian unit announced its grand plan to build these CCS projects in a valiant effort to reduce emissions from its own operations. The projects, named Polaris and Atlas Carbon Storage Hub, sound like something out of a superhero comic. Unfortunately, the reality is less heroic. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Sir Andrew Mackenzie and Shell’s Delusional Climate “Solutions”

Posted by John Donovan: 24 June 2024

Ah, Sir Andrew Mackenzie, the knight in shining oil-stained armour, has graced us with his profound wisdom on tackling climate change. Who would have thought that solving one of the world’s biggest crises could be more challenging than running a mining company? Not Sir Andrew, apparently.

In a revelation that’s about as surprising as finding sand in the desert, Sir Andrew admits that handling climate change at Shell is “quite a lot harder than I expected.” You see, at BHP, he could comfortably discuss all sorts of theoretical climate solutions without actually having to implement them. Now, faced with the greasy reality at Shell, things aren’t so easy. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

“Godfathers of Climate Chaos”: UN Chief Calls Out Shell and BP, Demands Global Ad Ban

Posted by John Donovan: 5 June 2024

Hold onto your hats, folks. António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, just dropped a bombshell that should make the fossil-fuel overlords squirm in their plush boardroom chairs. Shell and BP, among others, are now being labeled the “godfathers of climate chaos.” That’s right, the planet-wrecking tycoons might soon find themselves banned from advertising, much like those pesky tobacco companies.

In a scorching speech in New York, Guterres took no prisoners, calling out news and tech media for enabling “planetary destruction” by taking dirty oil money. “We are at climate crunch time,” he declared, unveiling terrifying new data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) showing we’re on the brink of surpassing 1.5C warming. The recent 12 months have already pushed the global temperature to a blistering 1.63C above pre-industrial levels. Fun times ahead! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell CEO’s Climate Love Letter: “It’s All Good” Says the Planet’s Top Polluter

Posted by John Donovan: 4 June 2024

In a twist straight out of a dystopian satire, Shell’s CEO Wael Sawan decided to back President Biden’s climate agenda with a level of enthusiasm typically reserved for used car salesmen and snake oil peddlers.

At an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Sawan showered praise on Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure law and Inflation Reduction Act, claiming they’re “attracting a significant amount of capital in different states, whether it’s a red or blue state.” Oh, how inclusive.

“You’re creating jobs. You’re actually starting to anchor new industries. And over time, what you will do is you will create supply chains locally that are able to satisfy the demands of many of these industries,” he gushed. “That’s all good.” Yes, because nothing screams “environmental stewardship” like a fossil fuel titan suddenly championing green jobs.

This revelation comes as a shock only to those living under a rock, considering Shell’s recent break from the broader oil industry to advocate for the IRA – a law passed solely by Democrats and opposed by every single Republican. Shell, ever the opportunist, now champions clean energy portions of the law to fend off potential GOP attacks. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Trump Convicted for Fraud, Shell Execs Next in Line for Climate Catastrophe Crimes?

Shell execs, are you sweating yet?


On May 30, a New York jury found former President Donald Trump guilty of 34 charges related to hush money payments and falsifying business records. While the country is split over the conviction and the inevitable appeal, there’s an unexpected silver lining: this case could be a roadmap for nailing climate criminals like the execs at Shell and TotalEnergies.

Activists have long been dragging companies and governments into court to make them face the consequences of their climate sins. Most of these battles have been in civil courts, where the penalties are mostly financial—because nothing screams justice like a fine that barely dents corporate profits. The one notable exception was a 2021 Dutch court ruling that ordered Royal Dutch Shell to cut carbon emissions by 45% by 2030. Shell, predictably, is appealing the decision because, you know, profits over planet. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shareholders Can’t Agree if Shell Should Keep Pretending to Care About the Climate or Just Admit They’re in it for the Money

Posted by John Donovan: 28 May 2024

Shell’s Climate Plan Rejected by Activist Shareholders at AGM, Because Who Needs the Planet Anyway?

Shell plc’s annual general meeting (AGM) turned into a circus of protests and shareholder squabbling, with a climate resolution from activist group Follow This getting shot down in flames. The resolution, supported by 27 investors managing around $4 trillion (chump change for Shell), aimed to align Shell’s medium-term carbon reduction targets with the Paris Agreement. Only 18.6% of shareholders gave a damn, down from last year’s whopping 20.2%.

Shell’s “New and Improved” Strategy

Meanwhile, Shell’s board’s half-baked climate strategy received a resounding 78.2% thumbs up from shareholders. This master plan rolled out in March, sets a groundbreaking goal of a 15-20% reduction in the net carbon intensity of energy products by 2030. Never mind that it’s a step back from the previous 20% target and completely ditches the 2035 goal. Shell’s CEO, Wael Sawan, assured everyone that this plan is all about keeping profits high, mostly from oil and gas, because, you know, gas demand is booming, and who can predict the future of energy transition, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Norway’s Wealth Fund to Shell: Could You Please Pretend to Care About the Climate?

So, here we are, with Norway’s wealth fund playing the concerned yet passive shareholder, Shell deftly dodging real climate action, and the planet continuing to warm. What could possibly go wrong?

Posted by John Donovan: 17 May 2024

Norway’s Wealth Fund Politely Asks Shell for Climate Details While Ignoring Real Change

In a delightful twist of corporate responsibility theatre, Norway’s $1.6 trillion sovereign wealth fund has gently nudged Shell for more details about its oh-so-revised climate targets. This request comes hot on the heels of Shell’s move to weaken its 2030 carbon reduction goal and completely axe the 2035 carbon intensity objective. Why? Because of strong gas demand and the general mystery of the energy transition, of course! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Ghostly Carbon Credits: Spooky Scandal or Just Another Day in Big Oil’s Playbook?

Posted by John Donovan: 14 May 2024

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, to witness the astonishing spectacle of Shell’s latest performance in the carbon credit circus—featuring their star act, the “Phantom Carbon Credits!” That’s right, Shell has once again slipped into the role of the environmental illusionist, trading in what turns out to be absolutely zilch in the real world of CO2 reduction. Let’s give them a round of disbelief, shall we?

Nestled in the heart of Alberta, Canada, Shell’s Quest carbon capture facility became the unlikely star of a scandal where they apparently conjured up double the carbon credits they were supposed to. Yes, you heard that right—like a bad magician pulling fake rabbits out of a hat, from 2015 to 2021, Shell pulled out 5.7 million credits that, oops, didn’t quite match the actual CO2 reductions. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Shell Game: Selling Smoke and Mirrors with ‘Phantom’ Carbon Credits!

Posted by John Donovan: 5 May 2024

In a move that could only be described as a masterclass in corporate chutzpah, Shell, the reigning champion of environmental lip service, has been caught with its hand in the carbon cookie jar, selling millions of carbon credits as substantial as a politician’s promises.

Enter Alberta, the land of opportunity for oil giants looking to greenwash their way to profitability. Here, Shell found a cozy little subsidy scheme that allowed them to register and sell carbon credits tied to CO₂ removal that was about as real as a unicorn sighting. According to the province’s registry, Shell managed to pull off the miraculous feat of selling credits equivalent to twice the volume of emissions avoided by its Quest carbon capture facility, which, surprise, surprise, didn’t quite live up to its carbon-sucking hype. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s New UK Boss: A Master of Environmental Destruction!

Posted by John Donovan 4 May 2024

In an eyebrow-raising move that could only be described as a masterpiece in corporate irony, Shell, the paragon of environmental negligence, has proudly appointed Parminder Kohli as its new UK country chair. Who better to lead a company infamous for its ruthless exploitation of natural resources than someone entrenched in its culture of profit-over-planet?

Replacing David Bunch, Kohli steps into the limelight, not only as the new head honcho but also as the champion of sustainability and carbon reduction. A bit like putting a fox in charge of the henhouse, if the fox claimed it was there to promote vegetarianism. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Climate Conundrum

Posted by John Donovan: 19 April 2024

Well, folks, grab your popcorn because it’s time for another episode of “Shell Says What?” In today’s edition, our favorite fossil fuel giant is back at it again, telling shareholders that, hey, maybe we’re doing just fine with this whole climate change thing, thank you very much.

 Shell is urging shareholders to give a big fat thumbs-down to a proposal that would actually push the company to step up its game in the fight against climate change. Because who needs tighter climate targets when you’ve got profits to chase, am I right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Appeals Climate Ruling, Insists on Right to Trash the Planet Unabated

Posted by John Donovan 2 April 2024

In a move that redefines chutzpah, Shell Plc is set to defend its rapacious environmental practices in a Dutch court, challenging a landmark ruling that dared to suggest the oil and gas behemoth should reduce its planet-murdering emissions.

The audacious district court ruling in 2021, which Shell now dares to contest, ordered the company to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by a measly 45% by 2030 from 2019 levels. Apparently, that’s the equivalent of asking Godzilla to cut back on his stomping by 45% to preserve Tokyo.

Shell, the poster child for environmental negligence, has the gall to argue that such an order lacks a “legal base.” They even have the nerve to claim that they can’t be held responsible for the emissions caused by the very products they gleefully peddle to the masses. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.