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Global Witness

Eco Warriors Swap Shell Billboards for a Dash of Satirical Art

Posted by John Donovan: 15 May 2024

In a daring display of artistic rebellion, the eco-punk group Brandalism decided to give Shell’s advertising a little makeover—because, let’s face it, nothing screams “green future” like an oil giant sponsoring cycling, right?

Brandalism has gone and plastered their own cheeky versions of ads over 200 billboards and bus stops that were singing praises to Shell’s so-called commitment to British Cycling. The new art pieces? Cyclists guzzling oil from Shell-branded bottles. Talk about a thirst-quencher! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Boss Bags £8m: “Let Them Eat Carbon Intensity Reductions”

Posted by John Donovan 8 April 2024

In a move that has charity workers choking on their avocado toast, Shell’s new top dog, Wael Sawan, has snagged a staggering £8 million in his first year at the helm, leaving many wondering if he’s moonlighting as a magician pulling money out of thin air.

While most folks are counting pennies at the pump, Sawan is raking in the cash like it’s going out of style, leaving pressure groups frothing at the mouth faster than you can say “climate crisis.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Big Oil’s Profit Party: Dancing on the Graves of Global Crisis

…let’s face it, entrusting the fate of our planet and our pockets to these profit-obsessed behemoths is like asking a fox to guard the henhouse

Posted by John Donovan: 19 Feb 24

Ladies and gents, fasten your seatbelts for a ride on the Greed Express, hosted by none other than the world’s oil oligarchs, those darlings of disaster, who’ve been making it rain with profits while the world burns (literally and metaphorically). In the blue corner, weighing in with more dollars than decency, are the heavyweights of hydrocarbons: BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and TotalEnergies. Together, these titans of turmoil have bagged a cool $281 billion in profits since Russia decided to play war games in Ukraine. That’s billion, with a “B,” folks. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Caught in a Green Masquerade, Claims “We’re Totally Eco-Friendly, Trust Us!”

Posted by John Donovan: 16 Feb 24

In a shocking turn of events, Shell, the global beacon of environmental responsibility (pause for eye-roll), finds itself at the centre of what can only be described as a greenwashing scandal so brazen it could make an oil slick blush.

On the first of February, 2023, the heroes at Global Witness, an NGO with apparently nothing better to do than save the planet, lobbed a “groundbreaking greenwashing complaint” into the lap of the SEC’s Climate and ESG Task Force. Their mission? To beg the question: Is Shell’s so-called investment in renewables as genuine as a three-dollar bill?

Global Witness dares to suggest that Shell might be pulling a fast one on its investors by inflating its green credentials. You see, Shell has this fancy-sounding “Renewables and Energy Solutions” (RES) segment that includes, among other things, their forays into hydrogen, nature, and whatever “integrated power activities” are supposed to be. Sounds impressive, right? Well, hold your carbon offsets, because Global Witness is calling BS.

According to these party poopers, Shell’s RES segment is about as “renewable” as a coal mine. They claim a “significant portion” of Shell’s spending on RES is actually funnelled into marketing and trading “natural gas” and gas-generated power. And here’s the kicker: they argue that gas, contrary to Shell’s insinuations, is neither renewable nor a solution to our energy woes. I mean, who knew? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil Magnates Celebrate Profits With A Rain of Cash, While the World Burns

Posted by John Donovan: 2 Jan 2024

Oh, what a time to be alive in the golden age of oil! As the world gasps in horror at climate change and energy crises, our heroic oil companies – BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and TotalEnergies – are set to dole out a staggering $100 billion in payouts to their beloved shareholders. It’s like a fairy tale, where the rich get richer while the planet heats up!

In 2022, these noble guardians of fossil fuels blessed their shareholders with $104 billion in dividends and buybacks, according to the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). All this, after a year of record-breaking profits thanks to the turmoil in energy markets. Who knew that a global crisis could be so lucrative? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Revels in Petro Profits as World Pleads for Climate Mercy

Posted by John Donovan: 2 November 2023

In a spectacle of corporate jubilation, Shell has flaunted a $6.2 billion profit bonanza, much to the horror of environmentalists and the delight of shareholders rubbing their hands in glee. As if mother nature hadn’t suffered enough, Shell has profited handsomely from the oil price bounce, a merry-go-round fueled by Opec+’s crafty production cuts and the sad ongoing soap opera of global conflicts.

This show of profits, a slight dip from last year’s staggering $9.4 billion—when oil prices soared amidst the heart-wrenching drama of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine—still paints a rosy picture for Shell’s ledger. It seems the oil barons have found their silver lining in the dark clouds of geopolitical turmoil, with the World Bank casting a doomsday prophecy of oil prices potentially skyrocketing to an eye-watering $150 a barrel. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Unilever: Partners in Profit, Supporters of Bloodshed

Posted by John Donovan July 5, 2023

In a stunning display of corporate callousness, Shell and Unilever have come under fire for their continued operations in Russia, even after the country’s invasion of Ukraine. These greedy giants seem to prioritize profits over principles, turning a blind eye to the blood money they accumulate.

Despite Shell’s pledge to withdraw from the Russian energy market, the company has shamelessly continued to trade Russian gas, making a mockery of its supposed commitment. Analysis from the campaign group Global Witness reveals that Shell was involved in nearly an eighth of Russia’s shipborne gas exports in 2022. Oleg Ustenko, an adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, rightly accuses Shell of accepting “blood money” that directly supports Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Magnificent Display of Hypocrisy: Still Trading Russian Gas Despite Empty Promises

Posted by John Donovan 3 July 2023

In a remarkable exhibition of utter disregard for their own pledges, Shell, the greedy and ruthless polluting oil giant, continues to engage in the trading of Russian gas more than a year after promising to withdraw from the Russian energy market.

Despite their hollow claims, the despicable company was involved in nearly an eighth of Russia’s shipborne gas exports in 2022, making a tidy sum of hundreds of millions while conveniently ignoring the bloodshed and suffering caused by the Ukrainian invasion. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Bold Move: Embracing Climate-Wrecking Fossil Fuels, Doubling Down on Profit

Posted by John Donovan 15 June 2023

Shell’s new leader takes a stand against the growing green movement, making it clear that the company’s commitment to the environment takes a backseat to their insatiable thirst for profits. Wael Sawan, who assumed the role of CEO earlier this year, has sent shockwaves through the eco-conscious community by announcing Shell’s abandonment of any plans to reduce oil production until 2030.

In a brazen move, Sawan not only halted the decline of oil production but also unveiled a plan to increase natural gas volumes, further exacerbating the climate crisis. This audacious decision has understandably triggered outrage among climate activists, who accuse Shell of shamelessly prioritizing their own financial gains over the well-being of the planet.

During an investor day in New York, Shell boasted of plans to boost shareholder distributions to an astonishing 30-40% of cash flow from operations, showing no regard for the urgent need to invest in green initiatives. Furthermore, they announced a staggering £3.9 billion share buyback scheme, while slashing spending to give the illusion of a more responsible company. It’s a classic case of greenwashing in action. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell announces ‘obscene’ £7,6400,000,000 profit for first quarter of the year

Shell announces ‘obscene’ £7,6400,000,000 profit for first quarter of the year

Kirsten Robertson: Thursday 4 May 2023 8:54 am

Oil giant Shell made nearly £1.4 billion more in profit than experts had expected in the first three months of the year, the company said today.

The business joined its rival BP in reporting expectations-beating results this week.

Shell said that its adjusted earnings had risen by 5.7% compared to the same quarter a year earlier, reaching £7.6 billion.

Like its rival BP, Shell’s results immediately sparked calls for the Government to take a tougher stance against the oil majors. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Despite windfall tax and record profits, Shell paid just £15 million to UK, 22p per Brit last year

Global Witness

Despite windfall tax and record profits, Shell paid just £15 million to UK, 22p per Brit last year

By comparison Norway received £6.3 billion from Shell, over a grand per Norwegian

28th March 2023, London – Energy giant Shell paid just £15 million in taxes and fees to the UK last year on their drilling, compared to over £6.3 billion to the Norwegian government over the same period, according to Global Witness analysis of Shell’s latest tax reporting, released today.

This means Shell paid around just 22p per UK citizen, compared to the £1,171 it paid for every citizen of Norway. This £15 million is much closer to the £9.7 million it awarded its CEO in 2022, than the considerably more it paid to most other countries in which it drills. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Fossil fuel greenwash


Fossil fuel greenwash

15 February 2023

Despite growing pressure to curb greenwashing, oil and gas majors Shell and BP continue to promote environmentally friendly narratives their core business does not back up.

In the wake of a UK government warning in late 2021 to stop making misleading environmental claims, BP has more than doubled the amount spent on purchasing advertisements that greenwash its image on Facebook and Instagram compared to 2021.

Meanwhile Shell has continued to run greenwashing ads on Instagram without disclosing the ads relate to political issues as required by the platform. Meta has allowed Shell to re-publish essentially identical political ads without labelling them as such, and continued to profit from the greenwashing ads of polluting industries. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Advocacy group accuses Shell of ‘greenwashing’ and misleading investors in SEC complaint

The Washington Post

Advocacy group accuses Shell of ‘greenwashing’ and misleading investors in SEC complaint

Analysis by  with research by Vanessa Montalbano

February 1, 2023 at 8:03 a.m. EST

An advocacy group is accusing the oil giant Royal Dutch Shell of misleading investors by classifying its investments in natural gas as spending on renewable energy.

In a complaint filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the group Global Witness argues that Shell’s classifications amount to “greenwashing” — the practice of portraying a business or product as more environmentally friendly than it really is. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell faces energy fury as £31bn bumper profits could pay for 2.1m heat pumps for Britons


Shell faces energy fury as £31bn bumper profits could pay for 2.1m heat pumps for Britons

In just the third quarter of the year, UK-based energy giant Shell raked in profits of £8.2billion.


New analysis has found that over the past twelve months, energy giant Shell has generated a staggering £31billion in excess profits. This has prompted fury among critics, as millions of Britons face unprecedented energy bill hikes, crippling inflation and a major cost of living crisis. Today, Shell has announced profits of £8.2billion for the third quarter of this year. The business said it made adjusted earnings of $9.5billion US dollars over the three months down from $11.5billion (£9.9billion) the quarter before. According to Global Witness, which conducted the analysis, this profit earned by the energy giant was in addition to the profits that they would make in a normal year. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Energy giant Shell has already made £31bn in excess profits over past year

global witness

Energy giant Shell has already made £31bn in excess profits over past year

Analysis of Shell Q3 profits shows their 12 month windfall profits could pay for 12.5 million UK energy bills

27th October 2022, London – UK-based fossil fuel giant Shell has made £31 billion in excess profits over the past twelve months, while Brits have seen energy bill hikes drive an acute cost of living crisis, according to Global Witness analysis of the company’s third quarter profits reported today.

This is money Shell has made in addition to their “normal,” but already high, profits, and was spurred by high global energy prices. See notes for full methodology. It could pay for:

  • The energy bills of 12.5 million British households, or

  • Almost half of the £68 billion the government needs to help its citizens with high energy bills, or

  • Heat pumps for 2.1 million UK homes, that would protect families from energy price volatility, or

  • The energy bills of everyone on universal credit; plus emergency aid for all 19 million Yemeni’s caught in one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters; plus emergency shelter for all of the victims of Pakistan’s climate crisis caused floods – and still leave £17.1 billion in excess profits for Shell’s shareholders. (2)

These extraordinary windfalls come as Shell announced overall adjusted earnings of $9.5 billion this quarter, a slight drop from its record last quarter, but much higher than the company has averaged in recent years. This at a time when the UK government debates how best to support its citizens through a cost-of-living crisis that could see 3 million more British people – and 30 percentage of all UK children (3) – living in poverty from next year. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Ukraine urges Johnson to ensure ‘not a drop’ of Russian oil reaches the UK

The Telegraph

Ukraine urges Johnson to ensure ‘not a drop’ of Russian oil reaches the UK

Shell, one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, has pledged to withdraw from Russian oil products, but…

Ukraine’s government has urged the UK to ensure “not a single drop of Russian oil enters the country”, as it pushed for a “total and immediate” boycott on Russian fossil fuels.

Oleg Ustenko, economic adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said it was “no time for half measures”. It comes amid concerns Britain may adopt a definition of Russian oil that allows some Kremlin supplies into the country, even under the impending embargo. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.